Geocoding address data in Excel using google Geocoding API
I had a long list of addresses that I needed to show on a map. I found a great article that showed exactly how to call googles geocoding mapping from Excel.
The only issue I had was that Googles API doesn't like it if too many requests are made too quickly so I created a function to add the geocoding calculation into a column one cell at a time and waiting one second between calls.
Below is the function
Its a win win situation!
The only issue I had was that Googles API doesn't like it if too many requests are made too quickly so I created a function to add the geocoding calculation into a column one cell at a time and waiting one second between calls.
Below is the function
Sub Geocoding100()I can leave this function running in the background to geocode a list of addresses in excel and I am not hammering Google Geocoding API.
Dim I
For I = 1 To 100
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=GoogleGeocode(RC[-1])"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"))
Next I
End Sub
Its a win win situation!
can you explain were to I have to paste this code in the googlegeocode macro.
You need to paste my function into the module that is created for the GoogleGeocode functions.
Hope that makes sense.